S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat - STCoP Weapon Pack (2014) PC | RePack by SeregA-Lus
24 окт 14
ИнформацияГод выпуска: 2014
Жанр: Action
Разработчик: GSC Game World
Издатель: -
Тип издания: Repack
Версия игры: 1.6.02
Версия мода: 2.0
Язык интерфейса: Русский
Язык озвучки: Русский
Таблетка: Вшита
Системные требованияОперационная система: Windows XP /Windows Vista /Windows 7 /Windows 8
Процессор: Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.4 GHz
Оперативная память: 2 Гб
Видеокарта: 512 Mb / nVIDIA® GeForce™ / ATI Radeon®
Звуковая карта: Звуковое устройство, совместимое с DirectX® 9.0с
Свободное место на жестком диске: Гб
Описание: Оружейный Аддон для
Call of Pripyat.
1. ПМ (Model - SAM61, Textures - Alexandr_I, animations - Lancew)
2. ПММ (Model - SAM61, Textures - Alexandr_I, animations - Lancew)
3. ПБ (Model - GR3B3N, Textures - Alexandr_I, animations - Lancew)
4. Форт-12 (Model/Textures - H.U.N.T.E.R_7.62, animations - Lancew)
5. МП-443 'Грач' (Model/Textures - Battlefield 4, animations - Lancew)
6. ГШ-18 (Model - SAM61, Textures - Alexandr_I, animations - Lancew)
7. ТТ-33 (Model - Mr. Rifleman, Textures - SAM61, animations - Lancew)
8. Beretta 92FS (Model - Kimono, Textures - Millenia, animations - Lancew)
9. Browning HPSA (Model - Silvio Dante, Textures - WangChung, animations - Lancew)
10. Walther P99 (Model - AfterBurner, Textures - NCFurious, animations - Lancew)
11. HK USP (Model - Kimono, Textures - Millenia, animations - Lancew)
12. Colt M1911A1 (Model - Freefall, Textures - r0tzbua, animations - Lancew)
13. SIG Sauer P220 (Model - Twinke Masta, Textures - the_Tub, animations - Lancew)
14. Desert Eagle (Model - Toasty Fresh, Textures - Millenia, animations - Lancew)
15. Glock 19 (Model/Textures - Crash, animations - Lancew)
16. Cz 52 (Model/Textures - MTindle, animations - Lancew)
17. Cz 75 (Model - Arby26, Textures - Rafael De Jongh, animations - Lancew)
18. FN-57 (Model/Textures - Battlefield 4, animations - Lancew)
19. FNP-45 (Model - Tenoyl, Textures - SAM61, animations - Lancew)
1. ПП-19 'Бизон' (Model/Textures - Paul68Rageous, animations - Lancew)
2. MP5 (Model - Arby26, Textures - Blur, animations - Lancew)
3. MP5SD (Model - Seph, Textures - BULL5H1T, animations - Lancew)
4. FN P90 (Model/Textures - Battlefield 4, animations - Lancew)
5. UMP-45 (Model/Textures - Battlefield 4, animations - Lancew)
1. ТОЗ-34 (Model - SAM61, Textures - Millenia, animations - r_pop)
2. ТОЗ-66 (Model - SAM61, Textures - Millenia, animations - KingFriday)
3. ТОЗ-66 обрез (Model - SAM61, Textures - Millenia, animations - KingFriday)
4. Remington 870 (Model/Textures - неизвестно, animations - r_pop)
5. Mossberg 590A1 (Model - Aggressive Napkin, Textures - неизвестно, animations - r_pop)
6. SPAS-12 (Model/Textures - неизвестно, animations - r_pop)
7. Protecta (Model/Textures - Battlefield 4, animations - r_pop)
8. Сайга-12К (Model/Textures - Battlefield 4, animations - r_pop)
Пулемёты/ручные пулемёты:
1. РПК (Model/Textures - Heffy, animations - Lancew, r_pop)
2. РПК-74 (Model/Textures - Heffy, animations - Lancew, r_pop)
3. ПКМ (Model - SAM61, Sarvs, Textures - BULL5H1T, animations - r_pop)
Снайперские винтовки:
1. G3SG1 (Model - Pac, Textures - Millenia, animations - r_pop)
2. L96A1 (Model - ImBrokeRU, Textures - Millenia, animations - r_pop)
3. Barrett M98B (Model/Textures - EdgeStylez, animations - SanekEd)
4. SR-25 (Model/Textures - Heffy, animations - r_pop)
5. СВД (Model/Textures - Heffy, animations - Lancew)
6. СВУ (Model/Textures - Bot, animations - Lancew)
7. ВСС 'Винторез' (Model - SAM61, Textures - Naymit, animations - Lancew)
8. WA-2000 (Model/Textures - EdgeStylez, animations - Lancew)
9. Гаусс-пушка (стандартная)
Штурмовые винтовки:
1. 9А-91 (Model - kouoaeha, Textures - Millenia, animations - Lancew)
2. АН-94 'Абакан' (Model/Textures - Corvalho, animations - Lancew)
3. АЕК-971 (Model - Arby26, Textures - Millenia, animations - r_pop)
4. АК (Model/Textures - Heffy, animations - Lancew)
5. АКС (Model/Textures - Heffy, animations - Lancew)
6. АК-74 (Model - Mr. Rifleman, Textures - BULL5H1T, animations - Lancew)
7. АК-74М (Model/Textures - Heffy, animations - Lancew)
8. АК-101 (Model/Textures - Heffy, animations - Lancew)
9. АК-102 (Model/Textures - Heffy, animations - Lancew)
10. АК-103 (Model/Textures - Heffy, animations - Lancew)
11. АК-104 (Model/Textures - Heffy, animations - Sin!)
12. АК-105 (Model/Textures - Heffy, animations - r_pop)
13. АКМ (Model/Textures - Heffy, animations - Lancew)
14. АКМС (Model/Textures - Heffy, animations - Lancew)
15. АКС-74 (Model/Textures - Heffy, animations - Lancew)
16. АКС-74У (Model/Textures - Millenia, animations - ElectroStalker)
17. Steyr AUG A1 (Model - Sarvs, Textures - Millenia, animations - Lancew)
18. FN F2000 (Model/Textures - Battlefield 4, animations - r_pop)
19. HK G3A3 (Model/Textures - Battlefield 3, animations - r_pop)
20. HK G36 (Model/Textures - неизвестно, animations - Sin!)
21. HK G36C (Model - Arby26, Textures - BULL5H1T, animations - Sin!)
22. HK G36K (Model - Maxivz, Textures - Millenia, animations - Sin!)
23. ОЦ-14 'Гроза' (Model/Textures - SAM61, animations - r_pop)
24. L85A2 (Model/Textures - Kiory, animations - Lancew)
25. LR-300ML (Model/Textures - MTindle, animations - KingFriday)
26. M4 (Model/Textures - Arby26, animations - r_pop)
27. M4A1 (Model - Sephiris, Textures - Millenia, animations - Lancew)
28. M16 (Model/Textures - Tigg, animations - r_pop)
29. M16A2 (Model - Drew, Textures - Millenia, animations - r_pop)
30. FN SCAR-H (Model/Textures - Battlefield 4, animations - Lancew)
31. SIG SG-550 (Model/Textures - Thanez, animations - r_pop)
32. АС 'Вал' (Model - SAM61, Textures - Millenia, animations - Lancew)
33. СР-3 'Вихрь' (Model - SAM61, Textures - Alexandr_I, animations - Lancew)
1. ACOG - MTindle
2. ПБС-1, ТГП-А, КЗРЗП, ПБС калибра 556 - Heffy
3. Кобра, ПБС-4, EOTech, пара глушителей - Millenia
4. ПСО-1 - Paul68Rageous, Millenia
5. М203 - r_pop
6. ГП-25 - Adept1993
1. 6х4 (Model/Textures - Mr. Rifleman, animations - GSC)
2. РГД-5 (Model/Textures - SAM61, animations - Lancew)
3. Ф1 (Model/Textures - SAM61, animations - Lancew)
4. Бинокль (Model/Textures - SAM61, animations - r_pop)
5. Болт (стандартный)
SAM61, Alexandr_I, РикошетТ, Sin!, r_populik, Millenia, Heffy, ПСЕВДО-S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Mr. Rifleman, BULL5H1T, Lafugix, GeeP85, kv0, amik, Twinke Masta, Seph, Drew, Sarvs, Adept1993, KingFriday, EdgeStylez, Arby26, DICE, Tenoyl, Toasty Fresh, Blur, Bot, Nomadec, kouoaeha, Rafael De Jongh, ImBrokeRU, ElectroStalker, Tigg, Thanez, Corvalho, MTindle, Kiory, GR3B3N, Naymit, Maxivz, Ruslanicus, Mongol, Muller, SanekEd, Freefall, H.U.N.T.E.R_7.62, r0tzbua, Paul68Rageous, AfterBurner, NCFurious, Silvio Dante, WangChung, Crash, Aggressive Napkin, the_Tub, Kimono и многим другим.
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» Мод STCoP Weapon Pack 2.0
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»»» Автор Репака 'SeregA-Lus'